Case Studies

Embalmer: Muscle Fatigue
Name: Blaire Brown, Occupation: Embalmer
Blaire first tried a Bambach Saddle Seat about 18 months ago. It was in the Occupational Therapist’s rooms where he went for an assessment. At this stage, he was going to the Occupational Therapist frequently and always sat by choice, in this seat, because it was the most comfortable. So his Occupational Therapist suggested he try one for work.
Blaire has the black vinyl with back and tall gas lift model. He says this is the fastest Chair on the floor. He would rather sit in this Seat than any other, even when having a break. It is used to have a break when using the computer and now has to fight co-workers for the Seat. It did take a couple of weeks to get used to it although there were no troubles with the abductors (this customer is/has been a very fit person).
When working around the head area stitching, putting on makeup, he can now sit to work on The Bambach Saddle Seat. When trimming caskets it takes the weight off the feet and puts him in a better position. Work is now relaxing and although he can now take his time, he says more gets done.
Prior to getting a Bambach Saddle Seat, trimming one casket was a problem, now he can do six at a time sitting and there are no problems. His back is more comfortable and he can now work longer hours or work the same length of time and not need to take as many breaks. He doesn’t feel as tired at the end of the day and the nagging back pain is not as exaggerated.
Blaire felt he received good operating instructions. The seat was taken out to him and demonstrated. Written instructions also left. Plus, he would have received some instruction from the Occupational Therapist while originally sitting in the Seat. It did take a bit of getting used to, it was different and took a while to get the best from the Seat. However, now he “zips around”.
The Bambach Saddle Seat has made working more tolerable. When not using the Bambach Saddle Seat and his back was bad he got grumpy, now there is no pain, can cope easier when feeling fine physically – with the job, and is not tired and tense at the end of the day.
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