Case Studies

Sonographer: Shoulder Tension & Pain
Name: Samantha Everett, Occupation: Sonographer
Rosie Maternity Hospital
Greeting patients and putting them at their ease. Scanning and discussing the ultrasound on the screen; this involves a great deal of sitting and also twisting and turning whilst manipulating the probe; following up with a written report on the computer. I suffered muscle tension in the shoulder of my scanning arm and pain in my neck and shoulders. I was referred to Occupational Health who recommended an ergonomic review.
I also saw a physio who gave me ultrasound treatment and acupuncture which eased the pain temporarily.
How did you found out about the Bambach Saddle Seat?
I attended BMUS whilst employed at my previous hospital where they had Bambach’s, but which were not helping me. After speaking to a Bambach representative who explained how to set the chairs up properly, I realised that I needed to adjust the Bambach I was using, which I did and found that once it was set up properly it helped.
What made you try the Bambach?
When I came to Addenbrookes, the seats were already in situ. After regular use of the chair, I was having less problem with my shoulder due to maintaining a better posture whilst scanning.
Has using the Bambach addressed the problems you wanted to overcome?
I still have problems, but when I have been regularly using the Bambach these are considerably lessened. I have found that when I am not able to use a Bambach for whatever reason, I suffer more.
My physio recommended I should try it with a back to help my kyphosis but I have found that once the Bambach was correctly set up for me that this was not necessary.
Would you recommend the Bambach Saddle Seat to fellow professionals?
Yes, because it encourages good posture during scanning, without you having to think about it, allowing you to give your full concentration to what you are doing. When not sitting on a Bambach I would have to consciously correct my posture when
I remember, to avoid discomfort whilst scanning and to prevent long-term pain.